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Brakenhale School

Teaching & Learning

Our overriding aim is to ensure that every student achieves their potential.

Brakenhale offers a broad and balanced curriculum which provides each individual the opportunity to work at a level consistent with their ability and to explore the Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural aspects of being a citizen of the 21st century.

Throughout the curriculum, students explore themes such as:

  • Making and maintaining positive relationships
  • Staying safe and healthy (including Sex and Relationships Education, Radicalisation and cyber-safety)
  • Respect of self and others
  • Equality and inclusion – especially tolerance, respect and understanding of people from protected groups, including those with different faiths and beliefs
  • British values eg: rights and responsibilities, democracy and the rule of law

Staff are committed to raising standards and working with our students to ensure they achieve their best. Departments deliver a range of teaching and learning strategies to engage, enthuse and develop learners. Teaching and Support Staff receive regular Continual Professional Development throughout the year to ensure our practice is reflected on and improved using the latest pedagogical initiatives.

Homework is recognised as an effective tool to help consolidate learning and foster an attitude that learning does not just take place in a classroom. Homework will be provided electronically in most cases, using platforms such as Class Charts and Google Classroom to get the most out of home learning. Students will also be told verbally during their lesson.

In order that that journey is stimulating, enjoyable and successful for all our students we ensure that:

  • students have access to curriculum pathways and a broad range courses appropriate to their strengths, needs and aspirations
  • students are taught using a wide range of techniques and resources which promote deep learning and understanding
  • students develop a range of skills and learning habits so that they can manage their own learning as much as possible
  • students are both supported and challenged where necessary
  • students and parents know and understand their end of key stage performance targets
  • students and parents know and understand their what they need to do to ensure students make strong progress towards their targets

In recognising our students as individuals we offer a ‘personalised learning approach’ that involves setting high expectations and individualised subject targets for each student. Progress towards these targets is tracked throughout the year through four Assessment Points and achievement is recognised and rewarded. Parents are encouraged to contact the school to discuss students’ progress and to attend annual Parent Evenings.

By providing our students with a caring and positive environment in which to learn, we are driving up the standards of their achievement.  We ask them to work hard, take pride in their appearance and behave responsibly at all times.  Our partnership of students, parents/carers, teachers and the wider community work together to ensure our students develop into young adults by experiencing education in its widest sense.