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Learning Resources Centre LRC

Telephone: 01344 423041

The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is more than a library; it is a place at the heart of the school where students can access learning independently – hence the name. The LRC is fully staffed to provide a safe, supportive environment for students outside lesson times and supports many lessons held within curriculum time.

If a student has homework, coursework or project work to complete, then material is available in the LRC to support this. Before and after school homework support is available from 8.20am to 8.30am and from 3.05pm until 4pm daily.

Every day before school, at break time, lunchtime and after school, there are magazines, board games, books and computers available. Year 7 students can apply to become student librarians and are trained to assist in the day-to-day running of the LRC during breaks and they can continue as student librarians throughout their school life if they wish.

We follow several book shadowing awards including the Berkshire Book Award and the Carnegie Medal and students are encouraged to recommend and review books for the LRC.

The Space
There are 3 areas in the LRC giving us the ability to have many things going on at the same time. The reading area has seating for students to sit and read quietly, there are tables and chairs for independent work and revision. The computer area is used for homework, coursework and independent learning. In all, the LRC can accommodate approximately 60 students.

The LRC double height space in the centre of the first floor gives it a spacious, airy atmosphere and central stairs go up to the Science department and Sixth Form on the second floor.

The Use
All curriculum areas make extensive use of the resources and facilities. A few lessons are time-tabled in the LRC but most lessons that take place there are at the request of teaching staff who wish to use the books and computers and have access to the adaptable space and resources. Reading is seen as being important in opening the door to learning and students are encouraged to borrow books from the LRC during break and lunch-time.

Homework Facilities
The Homework Club is well attended before and after school by students from all year groups but there is plenty of space for more! Help and a quiet space are available every day between 8.15am and 8.30am in the morning and from 3.05pm to 4pm after school. Year 11 students can access the LRC from 7:30am. Students do not need to book to attend, at after school sessions they just sign in and there is always someone there to support and encourage them in their work. It also provides a safe place after school for students whose parents can not pick them up at 3.05pm.

Break and Lunchtime
The LRC is open at break and lunch-time for reading and silent study.

Borrowing Books
All students and staff are members of the LRC and can borrow books and use resources. Books are loaned for two weeks – they need to be returned or renewed after this time. The library card is the borrower’s finger which is scanned using a biometric scanner, it fully complies with the Data Protection Act and it cannot be used to recreate a fingerprint.

The LRC is open daily from 7:30am for Year 11 students then from 8:15am for other year groups to 4:00pm.