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Careers Team at Brakenhale:

Mrs G Powell, Assistant Headteacher



Mission statement for Careers Education

At Brakenhale we strive to ensure all students have access to a balanced careers education. We offer impartial information, advice and guidance on all aspects of careers. Our aim is to remain compliant with the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

  • Year 7: Awareness of different careers
  • Year 8: Pathways into careers
  • Year 9: Option pathways for GCSE
  • Year 10: Employability skills and Exploring career options
  • Year 11: Beyond Year 11, Post-16 options
  • Year 12 & 13: Beyond Sixth Form – University preparation, introducing apprenticeship options, Preparing for the labour market.

The above will be delivered through our PSHE programme, individual and group career sessions, employer-led workshops, tutor time, assemblies, guest speakers, work experience, Drop Down Days and Careers Fairs. In addition to this our staff embed career information into their lesson content as part of the curriculum.

Through our careers programme at Brakenhale we aim to provide the following to all students:

  1. To allow students to make informed and considered choices at the end of all three key stages.
  2. To develop employability skills.
  3. To raise aspirations and make students aware of opportunities available to them.
  4. To provide guidance to all students in relation to decisions about options, further education and career choices, including apprenticeships.

To view our Provider Access Statement, please visit our School Policies & Documents page.

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Market Labour Information is a useful tool to help research future jobs in the local area or in other parts of the country. It helps you understand the skills needed for certain roles and the demand for future employment. Now is a critical time to research growing jobs and industries as Artificial Intelligence develops and changes the employment landscape substantially. Take a look at the local and national reports below to help you select a career prospect in a growing industry.


October 2023 Berkshire LMI




This report sets out priorities for investment in employment and skills to maintain the competitiveness of Berkshire’s economy, raise productivity and improve the well-being of the local population.



Careers Inspiration

You can play the interactive fun card game below to help you get career ideas to suit you. 

After that, move on to the next exercise to ‘pick a job’ - this will help you understand if it is a growing industry and would give you future employment stability.

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