Year 9
Head of Year:
Miss N Campbell-Watson
Assistant Head of Year:
Miss L Scott
SLT Link:
Ms Manlay, Assistant Headteacher
B: Mrs S Suragala
R: Mrs D Bunkell
A: Mrs C Kolman
K: Mrs E Faluyi
E: Mr J Budden
N: Mr J Lenon
H: Ms A Rutili
Year 9 Choices for GCSE Options Subjects
During Year 9 students start their GCSE Choices process. This is an important and exciting part of their educational journey at Brakenhale School. Students will need to think carefully about the subjects they want to pursue, seek and listen to advice and then select them ready for the GCSE Years 10 and 11.
Year 9 Choices Evening for Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Wednesday 26th March 2025 - 16:00 to 19:00
We hope that you are able to attend the Choices Evening on Wednesday 26th March.
For their GCSE Choices, all students will have the opportunity to choose from the full range of subjects we offer at GCSE. Please note that some subjects may not run and we will confirm choices at the end of June. Please be aware that each student will be required to select two reserves.
Our subject information website will contain subject information such as number of exams, coursework requirements and why students may wish to take that particular subject.
Please visit out Choices website for more information about the subjects on offer.