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We have set up an alumni group to keep in touch with our past students:

  1. To enable past students to continue to feel part of the Brakenhale community and become ambassadors for the school beyond Bracknell, across the UK and across the world.
  2. To keep up to date with past students’ post-school education and employment, enabling us to use their skills and experience a) within our CIAG (Careers Information, Advice and Guidance) programme and b) for current students to be able to communicate with ex-students about courses at FE and HE and careers, employers, etc.
  3. To continue to provide past students with information, advice and support.

We are doing this by:

  • Creating a database of up-to-date contact details, skills and experience gained (taking account of GPDR).
  • Looking into creating an alumni website or Facebook page where we could post information about what is going on at school, advice, information about ex-students’ achievements (with their agreement).
  • Exploring the possibly an annual alumni newsletter.
  • Looking at the possibility of arranging/supporting events for ex-students to meet.

If you are an ex-student, please get in touch by e-mailing to find out more.