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Rewards and House Points

As a school it is important for us to recognise and reward our students for the hard work and efforts they put in day after day. We do this through issuing our students with House Points.

Individual House Points feed into the overall House Competition and our students contributions are invaluable in deciding which House finishes on top at the end of every year. This is an exciting part of school life and it can become quite competitive amongst students, as well as staff! This competition forms parts of our overall drive to instil a sense of hard work, competitiveness and team spirit within our community.

Students can look forward to a range of activities and House Competitions that all contribute to House Points.


Rewarding students through #housepoints

For everyday activities staff are encouraged to award students House Points through SIMS.

Staff can request to give students a higher tariff when students have gone above and beyond.  House Point requests can go up to a maximum of 20 House Points. (Maximum House Points are reserved for activities/actions that have displayed commitment and effort over a long period of time.)

Examples of activities that go above and beyond:

  • Organising and raising money as part of charity events.
  • Completing recognised extra-curricular awards e.g Duke of Edinburgh, Student Leadership Accreditation, etc.
  • Competing at a Maths Challenge.
  • Consistent and exceptional performances at fixtures over time.
  • Outstanding contributions to a Performing Arts event.
  • Serving the community in a leadership role.

For general enquiries regarding House Points please email –


Golden Tickets

In every lesson, every teacher selects one student to be the recipient of the ‘golden ticket’, ensuring that students are rewarded and praised every day.

This student is given a ‘ticket’, dated and signed by the teacher, to take home and show parents/carers with pride.

Each Golden Ticket is worth 5 house points.


Culture Cards

The school council discussed rewards and opportunities and as a result we introduced Culture Cards as a mechanism to capture students' positive attitudes to different aspects of the school.

Students are given a Culture Card every week and must keep it until they get a new one the following week.  The cards are double sided - one side displays 'positive' behaviours linked to our school values and the other displays 'negative' behaviours. 


Students collect signatures from staff for demonstrating various positive outcomes; total scores are collated and added on to ClassCharts accordingly.

In this way students are rewarded with House Points via the Culture Card for their everyday good manners and excellent behaviour around the school that may have gone unrecognised.  This also enables Tutors and Heads fo Year to have a greater understanding of who is doing the right thing every day.

The cards generate great conversations between students and staff throughout the day and enable students to aspire to improving and thwarting bad habits such as untucked shirts or poor manners.  This will additionally set them up for positive futures.


Fun Factor Rewards

Those students who embody our school values - Aim High, Be Kind, Take Responsibility - deserve to be recognised and rewarded for all that they do every day, and it is important for students to have something to strive for to help them consistently perform at their very best.

All students have the opportunity to achieve a Gold, Silver or Bronze award at the end of each full term.  The criteria for these awards is based on net conduct points (positive minus negative house points), please see below:

  Gold Award Silver Award Bronze Award
Who? Top 10% net conduct point Next 20% net conduct points Next 30%
net conduct points

What is planned?

*may be subject to change

A trip out of school
(eg. Bowling, Go Ape)

Certificate & 
Recognition Letter

Inflatables in the
Sports Hall

Certificate & 
Recognition Letter

Cinema Experience in the Main Hall

Certificate & 
Recognition Letter

The criteria mean that the top 60% of every year group will achieve either a Gold, Silver or Bronze award.  Please note that any suspensions in the term will disqualify students from the awards.

Students can track their progress via a central display board in the dining hall which is updated weekly.


Other Rewards

Furthermore, students with excellent behaviour and attendance are rewarded every half term, as a minimum. The rewards so far include, for example, 'Brakenchill' ice-cream and socialising event, ‘pizza party’, vouchers and ‘hot chocolate and cake with the Headteacher’, to name a few. Further rewards and praise will be available and shared with students as these develop.



We are working hard for our school community to be one in which everyone strives to do their very best, is acknowledged for it and rewarded accordingly.


School House System

The school House System has long been a valued British tradition where a sense of pride and belonging is fostered amongst staff and students.

At Brakenhale we are very proud of our own history and traditions that have helped shape the success we are today. The House System has taken on many transformations throughout the years. The last 5 years we have build a system that forms the very heart and spirit of #teambrakenhale. Our Houses are a true representation of every member that forms part of our community. It is a system that has been designed by our own students. Every detail of each House has been carefully selected to reflect the beautiful area and community we live in.

Our four Houses are: