Medical Support
Medical Support: Mrs F Eccles, Ms L Pooley
Telephone: 01344 423 041
Direct Line Medical: 01344 465049
First Aid Provision
If our students are unwell or injured then the First Aid Room is the place to come.
The school medical room is equipped with basic first aid supplies.
Our medical service provides first aid for students in school.
First aid refers to the first assessment, first aid treatment and referral for further medical help, for any injuries or illnesses that arise during the course of the school day, including school trips and sports fixtures. This does not include assessment, treatment and referral for injuries that have arisen outside of school on a previous date.
Students requiring first aid may bring themselves to the medical room during break and lunchtime.
During lesson time, students should speak to their teacher who will call for First Aid Support to attend the student.
Students should not contact their parents directly for assistance while they are in school. They should speak to their teacher or First Aid Support in the medical room who will make any necessary contact with the parent/carer.
Support for students with complex and potentially life-threatening medical conditions
Brakenhale School is committed to supporting students with complex and potentially life-threatening medical conditions via our Individual Healthcare Plan procedure.
Students’ Own Medication – Managing Medicines Procedure
All medication should be handed in to the medical room before morning registration to be stored, this includes painkillers such as paracetamol. Students should not carry medication around with them in school.
The only exception to this rule is emergency medication (e.g. students with severe allergy or asthma), whose medication should be kept with them at all times. There are emergency inhalers in the Medical Room should a student not have access to their own.
Medication must be handed in according to our school procedure which includes:
- Medication must be in its original container.
- Name of medication must be visible on the original medication container.
- For prescribed medication the Dose of medication required must be visible on the original medication container.
- Medication expiry date must be visible on the original medication container.
- For prescribed medication – Student’s name must be on the pharmacy sticker.
- Parents/Carers must complete the on-line Medication Consent form via the link below before handing medication in to the main School Reception or Medical Room.
Accidents and Illness
If students feel unwell or have an accident they must tell a teacher straight away. Normally they will be sent to the medical room where they will be taken care of. If they are too ill to remain at school or if hospital treatment is necessary then parents/carers will be contacted to make suitable arrangements. Under no circumstance should students leave the school premises without permission.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further clarification on our medical procedures.
Please ensure that any changes to your child’s health are reported to our Medical Support Team. They can be contacted directly via the contact details at the top of this page with any concerns.
Medication Consent - Please complete our on-line form
Alternatively you can download and complete a hard copy of the form (at the bottom of the page) to give in to main reception with the medication.
May we remind you that it is the responsibility of your child to come to the First Aid room at the correct time to take their medication.
Allergy and Asthma
If your child suffers from asthma or has allergies, an asthma or allergy form should be completed and returned by email to or handed in to main reception.
Please see the action plans at the bottom of the page to download and complete.
NHS ChatHealth Service
The NHS ChatHealth service is a free confidential texting service for students aged 11-19 and their parents offering support & advice on many topics such as emotional health & well-being, medical conditions, sleep, healthy eating, behaviour and many more.
For Parents
It’s tough watching your child struggle. Whether it’s settling back into school, health worries, or simply dark days making everything harder - help is here! 💬 Text our health professionals for confidential advice to support your child. Text us at 07312 263194 Find help near you ➡️ |
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For Students
It’s okay to ask for help. 💙 Whether you’re feeling sad, can’t keep up with schoolwork, or just don’t know where to start - start here. 💬 Chat confidentially with a qualified health professional about anything that’s on your mind. Text us at 07312 263266 Find help near you ➡️ |
Struggling with your mental health? Feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork? Don’t let it pile up. 💬 Text a qualified health professional for confidential advice and support about anything that’s on your mind. Text us at 07312 263266 Find help near you ➡️ |
Long days, school stress, and endless internet scrolling… sound familiar?
Text us at 07312 263266 Find help near you ➡️ |
School Nursing Team
The Berkshire School Nursing Team support the health and well-being of school-aged children and young people who attend state maintained schools, free schools and academy schools in Bracknell Forest, Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire, and their families.
We also support children who are home educated and living in Bracknell Forest, Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire.
Please see newsletters from the School Nursing Team at the bottom of the page.
School Policies
Our school policies concerning Administering Medication and Supporting Students with Medical Conditions can be found on our Policies and Official Documents webpage.