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New Starters: Year 7 September 2024



Meet the Team

We will post information about the Year 7 team for September 2024 later on in the year.


Useful Information


Are you ready to start Secondary School?

My first day

  • I know what I need to take to school on my first day.
  • I have remembered I will have to turn my phone off.
  • I have spare change if I need it and my parents/carers have put money on my lunch account.
  • I know how I am getting home and I have my front door key.

Getting organised

  • I have a water bottle and lunch box (if needed).
  • I know what time I need to be at school and how long my school journey will take.
  • I know what time school finishes.


  • I know the school rules regarding uniform.
  • I have ordered my uniform (including PE kit) and school bag. 
  • I have all of the required Tools for Learning equipment.


  • I have a space where I am able to complete my homework.
  • I know how to complete a 'to do' list.
  • I have access to a device to complete my homework.


Explore these links below for more information about Brakenhale.









Q: Do I need to purchase a mini whiteboard?

A: In short, No.  Whiteboards are a part of the Brakenhale Student Planner that will be issued to students on their first day in September. A whiteboard pen(s) will need to be purchased.

Q: Can PE trainers be any colour?

A: Yes, any colour, as long as they are a supportive and a sport-based trainer.  No converse, vans, slip-ons or plimsolls.  Trainers must be suitable for indoor and outdoor use and be appropriate for sporting activities.

Q: Will tutor groups and students with the same timetable move around to lessons together?

A: We know that new students often fear getting lost.  Some lessons will be with the tutor group and others will not be, it is highly likely that some of the tutor group, when not together, will still be in other lessons with each other; there will be plenty of people about to help all students get to the right place.