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Welcome to Sixth Form

Head of Sixth Form: Ms C Loj, Associate Assistant Headteacher

Telephone: 01344 423041

Welcome to Brakenhale School’s Sixth Form. Our Sixth Form was graded as ‘Outstanding’ in our most recent visit from Ofsted, and whilst we know that there is more to school life than Ofsted, we are extremely proud that we are recognised as being outstanding, and even more proud of the young people we work with every day.

At Brakenhale Sixth Form, students have access to excellent teaching, fantastic student support, and a wealth of experiences and opportunities to develop both academically and personally. The vast majority of our students apply for universities when they leave the Sixth Form, and students gain offers from top universities including Oxbridge and Russell group Universities. Those who do not go to university either gain places on apprenticeships, or go on to employment. It is important to us that students are enabled to progress to where they want after year 13.

We work hard to develop maturity and independence in our students, with a privilege pass system which is designed to encourage students to achieve to their full potential, and reward those who are showing a great attitude towards their studies. Students who are being awarded top grades for attitude and homework, are punctual, and have above a 95% attendance are rewarded with more opportunity to manage their own time and operate more independently. Those who are not in this situation are supported and encouraged to develop their study skills and independence to the point where they too can be afforded more independence and show the maturity required to achieve to their full potential.

If Brakenhale Sixth Form sounds like somewhere that you would like to study, or if you would like some more information then please do get in touch through, and we would be very happy to answer any questions or queries you might have. Thank you for taking an interest in our Sixth Form.



Ofsted Report 2019: 16 to 19 Study Programmes – Outstanding

Provision in the sixth form meets the requirements of the 16 to 19 study programmes.

Leaders have high expectations and encourage students to be aspirational and ambitious in their future plans. The head of sixth form and the deputy headteacher monitor carefully the impact of support for students on their learning and well-being. Consequently, more students are applying to higher education and are successful in gaining places.

In 2018, students’ progress in vocational courses was well above that of other students nationally. Current students make strong progress in their a-level courses, following a dip in students’ overall progress in 2018. Current students make very strong progress in the majority of subjects. Where there is underachievement, it is tackled swiftly by teachers.

Students who retake GCSEs in English and Mathematics achieve above-average outcomes. The number of students gaining standard pass grades in these subjects has increased over time.

A wide range of subjects is available. The sixth form is highly inclusive, and disadvantaged students’ progress is similar to that of other students nationally. Students are extremely complimentary about the sixth form. They feel highly valued and respected.

The impact of teaching on students’ progress is very strong. Teachers have very high expectations, and they plan courses that encourage students to be independent. Furthermore, teachers provide students with extremely valuable guidance so that students are clear about how to improve their work further.

Teachers ask challenging questions that help to deepen students’ knowledge and understanding. For example, in biology and criminology, students demonstrate exceptional engagement and positive attitudes.

Students behave impeccably. They are excellent role models for younger pupils in the school. Students’ attendance is high. The retention of students on courses from year 12 to year 13 is also high.

Students are very positive, especially about the PSHE programme. Students’ understanding of personal safety and personal skills is well developed. They appreciate the opportunities to learn about safe travel and provision for financial education, and they value the ‘safe drive’ programme.


Information Evenings

We Year 12 Welcome to Sixth Form and Year 13 Destinations evenings during the first part of the Autumn term; we hope these events are informative.

Please contact us for more information.