IT & Computing
Head of Department:
Curriculum Intent
Key Stage 3: Every student should have the opportunity to study Computer Science or Information Technology at KS4. Our lessons at KS3 are designed and delivered to ensure our students receive the foundations for both of these subjects. Our lessons are designed to develop essential ‘digital literacy’ skills for all students to support not only their chosen courses in KS4 but for their chosen careers.
Key Stage 4: Our Information Technologies (‘IT’) course will teach students how and why to use a range of different technologies. Students will learn about tools and techniques for use in different digital hardware and software technologies. Students will integrate a range of tools to create digital solutions, managed and delivered using a project life cycle methodology.
Our Computer Science (‘CS’) course has a focus on computational thinking at its core. This is to help students develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand human and machine intelligence. Students will apply the academic principles they learn in the classroom to real-world systems in an exciting and engaging way through regular practical projects.
Specification: Key Stage 4 & 5