Head of Department: Ms C Naker
Curriculum Intent
Mathematics is both a creative and logical subject; it is a highly interconnected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. Mathematics is a foundation for understanding the world that we live in and to shape the future. We aim to develop learners to have a fluency in the fundamentals of mathematics, the ability and confidence to reason mathematically, make logical connections and the determination to solve problems. Most importantly to create an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics creating a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Across Year 7 and 8 we cover all areas of the National Curriculum. We focus on developing fluency and reasoning skills in the key mathematical areas of number, algebra, geometry, ratio and proportion, and statistics. We begin to develop students’ problem solving skills through scaffolded tasks. Students are taught in sets for mathematics, these are decided after a baseline assessment in Year 7 and reviewed throughout the year.
Throughout Years 9, 10 and 11 we study the Edexcel linear GCSE Mathematics (1MA1) course. The course contains work on Number, Algebra, Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change, Geometry & Measures, and Statistics & Probability. In the GCSE Mathematics course there are tiers and students will be sitting either the Foundation or Higher Tier.
At Key Stage 5 we offer several courses; A level maths and further maths. A level maths and further maths is taught using the Edexcel specification, covering Pure maths, statistics and mechanics. Further maths covers Core Pure and then two applied units.
Sparx Maths
Sparx Maths Homework will be set for Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
Homework is to be completed in the back of students’ Maths books, ensuring that bookwork codes are recorded. Year 11 will complete Sparx homework based on Question Level Analysis from their most recent PPEs, and in line with topics that come up most frequently in the GCSE.
Homework is set every Wednesday (at 4pm) and is due every Tuesday by 11pm.
Please find more information here.
Sparx club drop-in sessions happen at lunch time on:
- Tuesday with Mr Vega in F13
- Friday with Mrs Smith in F18