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Department Lead: Ms H Ioannidis

Curriculum Intent

GCSE Media as an option offers students opportunities to explore their enjoyment of this subject and secure fantastic results. Consistently one of the highest achieving subjects at KS4 and KS5, the Media team brings subject specialism and passion to every lesson - no wonder it continues to be one of the school’s  most popular option choices.

Our Media options support the government's specification to ensure all students access a broad, coherent and rigorous course of study, which prepare students to make informed decisions about further study and progression to A level, employment, apprenticeships or university choices.

Given the widespread popularity of social media, and the range of access we all now have to online entertainment streaming, skills in this field are increasingly in demand and so Media GCSE provides students with an improved potential to secure employment and careers in this ever developing industry.

Across the course of study, students will develop an understanding of and analytical approach to television, radio, music videos, video games, advertising, film, print media and online and social participatory media. The curriculum is designed in order to encourage critical evaluation skills and personal approaches to a variety of texts. Students will be prompted to consider their own experience and approach to the media industry and analytically consider the role that it plays in their own lives.

Within the Media curriculum there are frequent opportunities for cross-curricular links with aspects of English language, history, politics and psychology and sociology. In particular, the reference to multiple theoretical studies allows students to explore how media texts are purposefully manipulative and the strategies that media production teams have utilised and refined over the last century. The Media curriculum is underpinned by an engagement with the key concepts of media studies: industry, audience, language and representation and contexts of social, historical, cultural, political and economic understanding.

In addition to the exam requirement, students have the opportunity to work on and produce their own piece of coursework and thus demonstrate the creativity, independence and organisational skills so in demand across employment industries and for further education. The freedom of personal choice in their design, working to a chosen brief, represents the overriding intent of the media course, which is to encourage passionate, personal interaction with this vast, creative and constantly shifting industry.

By offering students opportunities to engage with this diverse curriculum, in addition to allowing them to practise and hone their technical ability with a practical project, it is hoped that students will feel confident and excited at the prospect of continuing their media studies at A Level at Sixth Form and beyond.




⇒ GCSE Media

⇒ KS4 BTEC Media

⇒ KS5 BTEC Media