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Summer Term 2022-23

JULY 2023

18th July: School Uniform Expectations 

Dear Parents/Carers

REMINDER: Uniform for September 2023

As we approach the end of this academic year, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify some of our uniform standards and expectations for the new academic year in September.

A smart appearance is an important aspect of modern life. It allows an individual to display their self confidence and a sense of respect. Brakenhale School aims to prepare students for a successful life and so an emphasis on taking pride in one’s own appearance is an essential part of this. Brakenhale School has a uniform policy which helps to enhance the purposeful and successful climate of the school.

Brakenhale school uniform provides students with many benefits such as:

  • Diminishing the social exclusion of students based on what they are wearing.
  • Reducing tension as students do not have to compete with their peers for the latest trends in clothes.
  • Encouraging pride in their personal appearance and of Bracknell, which enables them to be ambassadors for Brakenhale School in the local community. 
  • Promoting safety, particularly through making it easier to identify strangers.
  • Being more cost effective to parents in the long term.

It is essential that we enforce our uniform policy exactly as stated. To have a uniform policy but enforce it poorly is damaging to the wider school culture as it reinforces the message to students that we have rules and expectations that we do not uphold. I am sure you will understand this and support us in maintaining the highest standards of uniform throughout the academic year.

A copy of our September 2023 uniform and appearance expectations has been attached for your convenience. They are largely similar to the previous academic year and have not changed. However, I would like to clarify the following specific items in good time for September, to allow all parents/carers  to plan accordingly.


Students are only permitted to have one small stud piercing in each ear lobe. These can be either gold, silver or diamond. The school’s judgement on what is considered ‘small’ is final. No other piercings on the ear such as tragus or top of the ear is permitted. No facial piercings are permitted including nose, gum, tongue or eyebrow. Students will not be permitted to wear a plastic retainer in their place, nor will they be allowed to cover these with tape. These piercings are expected to be removed entirely. Failure to do so will result in the student remaining in the Reflection Room until the piercing is removed.

Nails / Make-up

Nails and make-up are expected to be natural in appearance. For nails, no false nails or unnatural colours of nail varnish are permitted. Natural appearing make-up that is not noticeable is permitted only. Additional make-up such as false eyelashes are not permitted. In cases where this is not achieved, students will be expected to remove the nails and/or make-up with support from the Curriculum Support Manager. Failure to do so will result in the student remaining in the Reflection Room until the issue is resolved and corrected.


No jewellery will be permitted whilst at school. This includes bracelets, rings and anklets. Students may wear one watch, but this should not be a smartwatch. Whilst we have previously permitted one ring, this will not be the case in September. Jewellery that is worn in school will be confiscated by staff and returned to a parent/carer only, similar to the mobile phone confiscation procedure. Exceptions to this include medical bracelets and jewellery worn for religious reasons such as a Kara. Please email, if this applies to you.

Belts/Belt Buckles

Belts and belt buckles should be plain in appearance only. The belt should be black leather and should not contain any studs or any other accessories. The buckle should also be plain in appearance and not contain any logos or unique designs that clash with the appearance of the uniform. Inappropriate belts will be confiscated. Students will be permitted to borrow an alternative pair of trousers if this makes their personal trousers unwearable for the day, without the belt. We do not stock belts in our uniform store.


Students are welcome and encouraged to wear coats in addition to their school uniform on days where the weather is wet and/or cold. These coats, similar to last year, should be in dark colours only, ie. black, navy or dark grey. White or other bright colours are not in keeping with the uniform and are thus not permitted. Please note that light jackets, hoodies or sweatshirts are not acceptable. These will be confiscated and stored with the Head of Year, if brought to school.

Coats must only be worn outside during the school day and must be removed immediately upon entering any school building at any point in the day. Students should expect to have their coat confiscated should they need to be asked more than once to remove it indoors. Confiscated coats will be required to be collected by parents/carers, similar to other confiscated items.

School shoes and socks/tights

Please note that only black, polishable school shoes are permitted to be worn in school. They should look leather in appearance and be professional. Other shoes that resemble trainers, canvas or boots such as Dr Martens are not permitted and students will not be permitted to wear them. Should you be unsure whether a pair of shoes are suitable or not, we could recommend seeking clarification via before you purchase. Any requests for exceptions must come with a doctor's note. Students who do not have correct school shoes will be provided with a pair of shoes from our on-site uniform store. They will be expected to leave their existing shoes at the uniform store and they will be returned at the end of the day. Where we are unable to provide stock or where a student refuses to wear them, the student will remain in the reflection room until the issue is resolved.

Plain socks are permitted to be worn to school only. These can be in black, white or grey but must be plain in nature and not ‘frilly’ in appearance. Only plain, black tights are permitted to be worn.

Uniform Store

We have a uniform store on site where students are supported to meet our uniform expectations as they can borrow specific items they need, should they not have a full school uniform. This store contains a stock of shoes, socks, tights, ties, blazers, skirts, trousers and shirts. With the exception of socks and tights, students will be required to hand in a valuable item such as a mobile phone in exchange for the uniform item to ensure that stock is returned by students at the end of the day. Borrowed items will come with one detention, unless there is an exceptional circumstance that has been communicated by a parent/carer in advance. Students are expected to borrow any missing items, where stock is available. Failure to do this will result in remaining in the reflection room until the issue is resolved.

Should you have any questions, queries or concerns regarding uniform, please do not hesitate to contact and your communication will be passed on to the relevant member of staff to respond.

Kind regards

Mr P McKane, Assistant Headteacher
Ms H Whitaker Flower, Deputy Headteacher

12th July: Diversity Drop Down Day 

Dear Parents/Carers

Diversity Drop Down Day - 10p Charity Fête

We are delighted to announce that on Friday 14th July the entirety of Brakenhale School will be celebrating Diversity Day.

As part of our wider Personal Development Curriculum we are looking forward to delivering a variety of experiences which enhances our academic curriculum. The day, which has been planned for since the start of the academic year, will celebrate the diversity within our community and the wider society, and will provide our students with vital education on the themes of disability, race, sexual orientation and discrimination.

During the morning all students will be in lessons on these themes. In the afternoon we will be celebrating with our inaugural Diversity Fête. Students have worked as a tutor group to take ownership of planning and implementing their own fête stall and during period 5, they will enjoy a range of performances, followed by supervising their stall and participating in other tutor groups' stalls to raise money for charity.

In order to participate in another tutor group's stall, students will donate 10p per go at the stalls, so please bring in cash to donate, ideally in 10p coins or other small change, in order to be able to enjoy a wide variety of activities at each stall. The charity that we will be raising money for will promote diversity either nationally or locally, and will be announced on the day of the event following a vote by our students.

We look forward to this day of Personal Development

Kind regards

Mrs Whitaker Flower / Mrs Millard / Ms Wilhelmy / Mrs Lister

7th July: End of Term 

Good afternoon

End of Term

We would like to confirm that the end of the summer term will be Wednesday 19th July, 2023. 

The school day for students will finish at 12:05.

Kind regards

School Office

7th July: School Nursing Newsletter​​​​​​ 

Dear Parents/Carers

Bracknell School Nursing Newsletter

Please find below a link to the latest newsletter from the Bracknell School Nursing Team.

Kind regards

School Office

6th July: Sanitary Products 

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to advise that if your daughter would like any free sanitary products, please ask them to pop along to the Medical Room after school any day.

We have packs of Always sanitary towels in normal and long, and Tampax in regular, super and super plus. These are provided free of charge to the school by the Department of Education.

If you or your daughter would prefer to collect these from reception, please email with a note of items required and we can make a pack for you to collect.

Kind regards
Mrs K Amor / Mrs F Eccles, First Aider Practitioners

5th July: Year 6 Transition Day 1 

Dear Parents/Carers

Firstly, it was great to see so many smiling faces at 08.30 today as our new Year 7 students entered the gates. I know a number of you had attended too, eagerly awaiting your child(ren)’s day! Secondly, it's been a wonderful day and we wanted to share snippets with you now.

The day started with our first line-up in which students were sorted into their groups. Students
learned how to complete a Brakenhale line-up and we must say, it feels as if they have been doing it for years with us! The standard was excellent. This ensured all received a calm and orderly start to the day, which was even more important given the likelihood of nerves.

We then had our assembly where students heard from Mr Tailor (Headteacher), Mr Hilton (Head of
Year), Miss Meacock (Assistant Head of Year) and myself (Assistant Headteacher i/c Year 7
Transition). Students were welcomed into their new community and got to learn a bit more about the school and our culture. Students also got to know their new Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year including their mutual love of Marvel!

All students were given a Merit Card. The purpose of this was explained in the assembly: students
had to attain as many signatures from staff, throughout the day, for one of six criteria. These were in line with our school values of Aim High, Be Kind and Take Responsibility.

Students then had a busy day completing some testing. They completed a reading test during period 2 in the computer rooms. They then completed their required Cognitive Ability Tests (CAT) during period 3 and 4 after break. Students who finished the CAT tests early were able to get their
fingerprint scanned for the dining hall. In light of the strike day, we made a change to initial plans last week and decided upon this format rather than span various tests across two days.

During period 5, students then got to experience a Brakenhale lesson in a variety of subjects,
depending on their group.. This included Maths, Modern Foreign Languages, Drama and English.

At the end of the day, students completed their line-up and all received a doughnut as a reward for a successful first day! I hope they have had an enjoyable first day and are eager to return tomorrow. Tomorrow, students have an exciting day ahead of them. Students will be in their groups first thing completing some ice-breakers and sampling the Tutor Time Reading Programme. Students will then experience three different lessons including all having a PE lesson during period 4. We will then conclude the day with a celebration assembly before departing.

We are all looking forward to tomorrow for another successful day of transition. Just a reminder there will be a slightly earlier finish at 2.30pm, students will be dismissed from the same green gates.

Kind regards
Mr P McKane, Assistant Headteacher
Mr L Hilton, Head of Year
Miss A Meacock, Assistant Head of Year

4th July: Sports Day Information 

Dear Parents/Carers

With sports day next week, I would like to confirm plans for the day and answer some questions that are commonly asked.

When is the day? Thursday 13th July.

What does my child do on the day? Students have signed up to a sporting event which will run before lunch. This is where one year group will come down to PE at a time to take part in the sports events. Period 5, all students will come to the field to take part in, or watch, the track events.

Does my child have to take part? Yes they do. Sports day is all about students from across the school taking part in a day of community sport and engaging with their fellow peers to celebrate sporting successes. That said, it is not just about who wins, it is about all students being involved and contributing to the success of their house and day by showing willing and taking part.

What does my child wear? Students wear their PE kit for the day, plus a plain house coloured t shirt (red, green, yellow or blue).

What time will school start and finish? School will start and finish at the normal times.

Can parents come and watch? Due to the staggered nature of the day, parents/carers unfortunately cannot come and watch.

Kind regards
Mr M Potter, Head of PE

4th July: Year 8 (23-24) Lion King Trip 15.11.23 

Dear Parents/Carers

Performing Arts Trip - The Lion King -15th November 2023

Brakenhale School’s Performing Arts Department would like to offer our 2023/24 Year 8 (current Year 7) students the opportunity to attend a performance of The Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre, London.
This trip will give students the opportunity to see the value, potential and career opportunities available through Performing Arts subjects and inspire and motivate them in their lessons throughout the year. It is also a great opportunity for students to increase their cultural awareness, positive life experience and spend an enjoyable day with their peers and school staff.

About The Lion King:
Disney’s award-winning musical The Lion King explodes with glorious colours, stunning effects and enchanting music. It follows the powerful story of Simba as he journeys from wide-eyed cub to his destined role as King of the Pridelands. Now in its 24th year at London's Lyceum Theatre, visionary director Julie Taymor’s acclaimed reimagining of Disney's beloved film will redefine your expectation of theatre. Watch in awe as giraffes strut, gazelles leap and birds swoop bringing the Serengeti, and the story of Simba, to life all around you. Ingenious puppetry, stunning effects and enchanting music will transport the audience to the heart of the African Pridelands.

The cost of this trip is £35 per student and will need to be paid via ParentPay by 8th September. You will also need to give consent for your child to attend this trip via the ParentPay system.
If your child receives Pupil Premium funding, they will be entitled to a reduced fee of £20. 
If you are experiencing difficulty in paying for this visit a written request for support can be submitted to the school office.

We have arranged for the students to travel by coach to and from the event, appropriate supervision will be provided during travel and throughout the event. Students will return to school after normal school finishing time and will need to be collected by a responsible adult from the school site on their return.

Timings for the day:
● Attend tutor, P1, P2 and go to P3 as usual
● Report to the courtyard during P3 to eat lunch (11.45am)
● Depart from Brakenhale School by coach 12.00pm
● Arrival at Lyceum Theatre, 21 Wellington Street, London 2pm
● Performance 2.30 – 5pm
● Return to Brakenhale School by coach
● Arrival at Brakenhale School approx 6.30pm

Please make sure you, or a designated responsible adult, can be there to collect your child from the Rectory Lane school car park on their return.

Please contact me should you require any further details or if you have any questions.

Kind regards
Mrs G Millard, Head of Performing Arts

4th July: Moving into Year 11 Information Evening 

Dear Parents/Carers

Moving into Year 11 - Information Evening

We would like to invite you to our 'Journey into Year 11 - Parent/Carer Information Evening' on
Monday 10th July, 17.30-18.15. The purpose of this meeting is to best prepare you, and your child,
for the expectations and challenges of the next academic year. It is an important year with the
all-important GCSE next summer. You will hear from myself as the Raising Standards Lead for Year
11, Ms Manning and Mr Tailor. We will outline the support we are putting into place to enable a
successful Y11.

We will outline:
- changes to the timings of the school day
- the Turbo Tutor programme and
- how Study Prep (Period 6) will provide more dedicated time with subject specialists.

We know that Year 11 may feel daunting but we are all looking forward to working together to secure the best outcomes for your child. This will ensure that the next steps in their journey - our Sixth Form, further education, employment and/or training - are successfully fulfilled.

Please click here to confirm attendance to the Information Evening.

Many thanks and we look forward to discussing the forthcoming important year!

Kind regards

Mr A George, Assistant Headteacher

4th July: Bracknell Forest Community Event 

Good morning

Bracknell Forest Council are hosting a community event – Saturday 8th July from 12-4pm, Bond Square, (Stage area - outside Waitrose) Lexicon, Bracknell.

There is a FREE concert with an amazing Reggae Singer, Gospel Choir, Indian dance, Nepalese performance, K- pop band, resident DJ and more…. Also – face painting, Tai Chi, stalls with free taster foods, Mango Festival, stalls representing community groups, and more…..

Kind regards
School Office

3rd July: Unifrog Complete Destinations Platform 

Dear Parents/Carers

Unifrog – the Complete Destinations Platform

In keeping with our commitment to provide students with excellent careers guidance and tailored
support when choosing their next steps after school and Sixth Form, we use Unifrog. This is an
award-winning, online destinations platform. All students in Years 7-13 have access to this website
and use it in their Tutor Time.

Unifrog is the universal destinations platform and is designed to support learners in making the most informed decisions about their futures and has a range of tools that are suitable for all year groups. Each student has their own account where they can explore all the career and next step options available to them and find information on everything from managing their workload to writing a winning CV. Students have access to a wide variety of video and written content, and interactive quizzes and tests, including:

Students access the platform using their school email address and their own chosen password. When at home they can access the platform from any computer, tablet or smartphone. We would encourage you to use the platform with your child so you can support them through the process of deciding their next step.

You can also have your own Unifrog account. You will be able to research careers, attend webinars
delivered by employers and universities to learn more about their opportunities, and compare
pathways so you can support your child in making an informed decision about their next steps. The sign up code you need is BRAKparent and you can sign up via You can also sign up to Unifrog’s parent/carer newsletter when you first sign in to get expert advice and guidance on supporting your child with their next steps.

For more information, go to

I hope you find this useful and do engage with it, with your child(ren). It is a platform we have used
throughout the year and students are familiar with it.

Kind regards

Mrs K Allum, Careers Lead


JUNE 2023

30th June: Rank Order Assessments 

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to share with you how our students have again impressed the staff and school with their focussed and committed approach to the second round of Rank Order Assessments (ROAs) this year.

Previously, we had communicated that the release date for results would be 7th July. This is now a strike day and a change of day is required. We have decided that in  order to most effectively process the data we have collated, and produce the reports for each student, we are postponing the release until Monday 17th July.

Kind regards

Mrs G Powell, Assistant Headteacher

30th June: Strike Days 

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this finds you well.

As you may be aware, there is further national industrial action (strike) taking place in schools, across the country, over two days: Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July.

Wednesday 5th July

From the beginning of this academic year, the incoming Year 7 (presently Year 6) students’ Transition Days were calendared for the 5th and 6th of July. With the announcement of industrial action, all Bracknell Forest secondary Headteachers have liaised and have agreed to prioritise the Transition Days. It is important that these students get the opportunity to visit their new secondary schools. Therefore, on Wednesday 5th July the incoming Year 7 (presently Year 6) students will be in for the first of their Transition Days. Furthermore, we will also continue with our Year 10 PPE’s with Physics during period 1 and period 2 and Geography period 3 and period 4. After the Year 10 students have finished their PPE, they can leave the school site.
For Year 7, 8, 9 and 12 students won't be in school but there will be online learning from home.

Friday 7th July 

The school will be open to Year 10 and 12 only. All other year groups will be provided with online learning from home.

Please note, our Sports Day was initially calendared for this day. However, we have now moved to Thursday 13th July which was our ‘reserve’ day. There is a Year 7 trip on this day which will go ahead as planned due to time constraints as we approach the end of the term.

As before, thank you for your understanding and for making alternative arrangements for your child(ren). This is not an ideal situation. I have to make a decision to ensure the health and safety of the school, with limited resources, on both days.

Kind regards
Mr B Tailor, Headteacher

30th June: Year 12 PPEs 3.7.23 

Dear Year 12,

We would like to congratulate students for making it through their first week of PPE's.  We have been told by the exams team that your conduct while in the examinations has been exceptional.

Due to the Industrial Strike Days next week, Year 12 will not be expected in school on Wednesday 5th July.  There are no PPE's on this date therefore please use this as an extra day of revision and/or rest.

Friday 7th July is also an Industrial Strike Day, however Year 12 students will be expected in school attending normal lessons or any PPE's.

A reminder for the week beginning 3 July

·  Tutor resumes as per your privilege pass

·  No PSHE session

·  No enrichment

·  All lessons and study sessions resume as normal and pupils are expected to follow their regular timetable as per their privilege pass. Lessons cannot be missed in order to revise for upcoming exams. That said, exams take precedence so students should ONLY be out of timetabled sessions if they have an examination.

·  School is Closed to Year 12 on Wednesday 5th July.

We fully recognise that exams are a stressful time, so please remember to reach out if you require any support.

Wishing you the very best on your upcoming exams,

The Sixth Form Team

29th June: Year 6 Transition 

Dear Parents/Carers

Over the past few weeks, I have had the real pleasure of visiting many Year 6 students in their Primary Schools to introduce myself and talk to them about their move to Brakenhale. I have a few more visits to make but I hope to have met every student before they join us in September.  They have all positively welcomed me and were very keen to ask lots of questions.

Please find below a few reminders for the transition days.  In particular, please note the slightly earlier start to each day to enable students more time in lessons.

For both days:

  • Students should wear their school PE kit.
  • If the weather is hot, please apply sun cream and provide a hat for the day.
  • Students should bring with them:
    • a refillable water bottle
    • a pencil case and reading book
  • Parking - parking on-site is restricted to staff only.  Please, find alternative parking and ensure that our neighbour’s driveways are not blocked if parking nearby.

Day 1: Wednesday 5th July

Students arrive from 8.30am and by 8.45am via the Rectory Lane entrance, through the large green gates by Main Reception; staff will be on hand to welcome and direct students.

At the end of the first day, 3pm, students will be dismissed from the same green gates in which they arrived. Please do not enter the school site. If the weather is wet, you will be informed of where to collect your child(ren).

Day 2: Thursday 6th July

Students arrive by 8.30am via the same large green gates and make their way to their tutor group for morning line-up, the same as from Day 1. Students and staff will be on hand to support.

At the end of the second day, there will be a slightly earlier finish at 2.30pm, students will be dismissed from the same green gates.

School Meals

At lunchtime students will visit the school canteen where food and drink will be provided on both days, free of charge.  All allergies and dietary requirements will be catered for. Alternatively, knowing the menu below, students may bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

The hot meals will be:

  • Wednesday - Hot dogs with wedges and a bottle of water
  • Thursday - Pasta pot with a choice of topping and a bottle of water

Parents/Carers Information Evening - Thursday 6th July, 5pm or 6pm

Your child is not expected to attend but again, we will welcome their attendance if it is not possible to leave them at home or with a friend.  Please click here to confirm which event you will be attending by Wednesday 5th July.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Mr P McKane, Assistant Headteacher i/c of transition

28th June: Year 11 - Sixth Form Transition Feedback 

Dear Year 11 Students 

Thank you again for taking the time at the start of your well-deserved holiday to attend Brakenhale Sixth Form Transition. The feedback from staff across both days was excellent and you should be incredibly proud of the way that you conducted yourselves.

It was great to see you at transition and we hope you were able to get a further sense of what life in Sixth Form is like. You will have noticed that the lessons are challenging and a real step up from GCSE but remember we are here to support you every step of the way.

As promised, please find our feedback form below. This is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts on the transition but more importantly it is also where you can select the subjects that you are planning to study in September.

Please could you complete this form by 3pm on Friday 30th June

On Thursday 24th August we will see you in school to collect your GCSE results. In your envelope there will be a letter from us inviting you to an appointment to review your grades in line with your choices and their entry requirements and enrol you into our Sixth Form.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Have a wonderful summer.

Kind regards,

The Sixth Form Team

27th June: Dance Show 17.7.23 

Dear Parents/Carers

Dance Show - Monday 17th July at 7pm

The Brakenhale School Performing Arts Department will be ending this academic year with a “showcase of student work” across all year groups from dance, drama and music. It will provide an opportunity for students to develop and build on their skills. 

The performance will take place in the school’s main hall on Monday 17th July at 7pm to 8.30pm.

All parents and carers are welcome to the show and tickets are now available on ParentPay at a cost of £2.00 per person.

Kind regards

Mrs G Millard, Head of Performing Arts

27th June: Year 11 Applying to College 

This letter applies to those students that have applied to Bracknell & Wokingham College or Reading College - if you have not you can stop reading!

Dear Year 11

Firstly, congratulations on such a momentous day last Thursday. I have enjoyed working with each and every one of you. I wish you the very best and remember to ‘aim high’ as you deserve the very best in life.

I have been liaising with both Bracknell & Wokingham College and Reading College. Please take note of the following information. You may have applied to college, but you have not ENROLED! Please focus on completing your enrolment over the summer.

WELCOME DAYS: (please only book one)

Monday 26th July - Wokingham & Bracknell College

Tuesday 27th June OR 29th June - Reading College

It is important to attend as you will meet the teacher and also meet other students on your future course. There will also be stalls there giving details about financial support, extra learning help, enrichment, etc. It should make your transition to college easier.


If you need to do this then log on to the college website or telephone 0800 612 6008 (option3.)


  • If you have applied to a course that does not require any specific GCSE grades then college will email you on 1st August. Click on the link and take a few moments to complete the enrolment. You will upload your grades on Thursday 24th August.
  • If you have applied to a course that does require GCSE grades then the college will email you on 3rd August. Click on the link and take a few moments to complete the enrolment. You will upload your grades on Thursday 24th August.

Ensure you are fully aware what email address you would be expecting this email to go to.

Ensure the college emails don't go to your junk mailbox.

Places will be on a first come, first served basis. Many of the courses only have 20 places. If you are not one of the first few to respond then the course will be filled quickly and you won't have a secured place.

Please note Electrical, Plumbing and Construction courses have 20 places each and there are about 116 applicants per course.  You will need to be checking your email throughout the day so you don't miss enrolment.

RESULTS DAY: Thursday 24th August, 2023

Prior to results day, you will have already enroled, as per the details above. You will need to come to Brakenhale School to receive your results.  As soon as you receive your grades, click on the college enrolment link and upload your GCSE grades. If you have the essential GCSE grades for the course and you are in the first 20 to upload your results, then your place on the course should be secure.

If you upload your grades after the first 20 have already applied then you will not get a place on the course. If you don’t get the desired grades then please consider the other courses you applied for.  Or contact the college to see what courses are left through the clearance process. To contact the college, you can either go there in person on the day, or telephone them 0800 61206008 (option 3). I would recommend you attend college in person and get there as soon as possible after collecting your grades from school.

If your grades are better than expected and you want to change your course on Thursday 24th August then please visit or telephone the college at your absolute earliest convenience.

Just to reiterate, the college enrolment email on 1st or 3rd August is essential to respond to by return. Please arrive at school at 9am on 24th August so you can secure your college place, as soon as you have your results.

I will be there on Results Day to support you where needed.

Wishing you a safe, productive and happy summer.

Kind regards

Mrs K Allum, Careers Lead 

23rd June: Year 12 Pre-Public Exams 

Dear Year 12

Year 12 Pre-Public Exams (PPEs)

We hope that you have been enjoying the warmer weather.

A gentle reminder that your PPEs begin next week. The timetable, which was shared with you three weeks ago, is also attached below or on this webpage.

As exam season alters the regular scheduling of the day, we wanted to remind you of the following:

For the week beginning Monday 26th June

  • No tutor sessions will run
  • No enrichment
  • No lessons on 26th June due to Year 11 transition day. The only students required to be in school are the ones sitting an exam on this day. They will report directly to the Sports Hall. This includes History, Psychology, Further Maths, and Chemistry. The remainder of students will revise at home.
  • No lessons for the subjects in which you will have an exam. This means the following lessons are not running next week: History, Psychology, Further Maths, Chemistry, Computer Science, French Geography, Religious Studies, Business, Physics, English, Biology, Pure Maths, and Statistics/Mechanics.
  • Lessons are running as normal for subjects which have not been assigned a PPE exam. This includes Criminology, Health & Social Care, Photography, and Art.
  • The Sixth Form study area is still available to use next week if you require a quiet place to revise for your exams.

For the week beginning 3rd July

  • Tutor resumes as per your privilege pass
  • No PSHE session
  • No enrichment
  • All lessons resume as normal and students are expected to follow their regular timetable as per their privilege pass. Lessons cannot be missed in order to revise for upcoming exams. That said, exams take precedence so students should ONLY be out of timetabled sessions if they have an examination.

Finally, a gentle reminder about dress code expectations. Although the weather is getting warmer, we are an in-school based Sixth Form and must remember that we need to dress in a way that is conducive to a professional learning environment. Here is an infographic of some of the items which are, or are not allowed. For example, short-shorts, crop tops, and sheer/transparent clothing are not allowed. 

We fully recognize that exams are a stressful time, so please remember to reach out if you require any support. 

Wishing you the very best on your upcoming exams. 

The Sixth Form Team 

21st June: Year 13 End of Term 

Dear All,

Subject:  Year 13 Prom – Wednesday 28th June

Firstly, a huge congratulations on completing your examinations! I know we have said it many times but we are so proud of the way that you have managed an incredibly tough exam season and we are sure that your hard work and dedication will have paid off.

Excitingly, we now get to celebrate the end of Year 13 with your prom.

Please find all the information you need below:


Hilton - St Anne's Manor, London road, Wokingham, RG40 1ST


Arrival drink at 7pm (mocktail), Food - 7:30pm, Ends - midnight


You do not need a ticket - we have a list of all those who should be attending.  Guests of students will not be permitted without photo ID.

We are really looking forward to celebrating with you!

Please email if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Ms Manlay, Assistant Headteacher

20th June: Year 6 Transition - Key Dates 

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 6 Transition: Key Dates

I write to you with some general reminders about the up-coming transition days for your child, as well as some other key dates and opportunities.

Transition Days: Wednesday 5th July and Thursday 6th July

Both days will be at Brakenhale School, students will be expected to arrive from 08:30 and no later than 08:45; on both days’ students will be dismissed at 14:30. We ask that students are dressed in their full Primary school PE kit for both days. This will allow for a PE lesson plus other practical lessons to run smoothly on these days.  Details about where to meet, how to enter the school and where to leave will be shared nearer the time.

Parents/Carers Information Evening: (change to information in our Admissions Booklet)

Thursday 6th July, 17:00 or 18:00

This evening will be an opportunity to meet the Year 7 team as well as hear from Mr Tailor, Headteacher and a few other key staff; we will also share with you our ‘expectations’ for students at Brakenhale.

Your child is not expected to attend the evening but we will welcome their attendance if it is not possible to leave them at home or with a friend.

Please click on the link below to confirm which time you are able to attend by Friday 30th June:

First Day at School

We can confirm that your child’s first day at Brakenhale will be Tuesday 5th September, 2023 gates open at 08:20.  Year 7 will return with Years 11/12 and 13 only and all other year groups will return on Wednesday 6th September.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child very soon to Brakenhale School and our community.

Kind regards

Mr P McKane, Assistant Headteacher

19th June: Year 11 Leavers' Celebration Assembly and Farewell 

Good afternoon all,

A reminder that your Leavers’ Celebration Assembly and Farewell will take place on Thursday 22nd June for all year 11 students. Please arrive in full school uniform from 11:15, for a 11:30 start.

After assembly, we will head to the CCF area for farewells, shirt signing and distribution of hoodies, if you ordered one. You will be dismissed no later than 1pm. We look forward to celebrating this milestone with you all.

Have a lovely evening and we will see you on Thursday.

Kind regards

Mr L Hilton, Head of Year 11

16th June: Year 11 to Sixth Form Transition 

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope this finds you and your family well. Here at Brakenhale we are already looking at how we can make next year even better than the last. We know that your child will be very eager to take a break over the Summer holidays and be fully rested and prepared for their new role as Sixth Form students. As part of this preparation please see a reminder below of what to expect for our upcoming transition days.

Monday 26th June - In School

  • Students meet in the Sixth Form Study room at 8:35am
  • Students should be in Sixth Form Dress code (see poster attached)
  • Students should bring a pen and something to write on
  • Tutor time in new tutor groups
  • Taster sessions x 3 (in the subjects you selected at interview)
  • 2 hrs of activities in the study room/across the school
  • Students will be allowed to leave site at break time and lunchtime but they must sign in and out in Study with the Sixth Form team. (Phone Calls home will be made to alert the families of any students who do not return promptly to P3 or p5).

On Monday 26th June we will hold taster lessons for each student based on the subjects they have indicated they would like to study at interview. These lessons will give your child the opportunity to engage with introductory topics and be better prepared for starting the next phase of their studies in September. They should expect to receive recommended reading/viewing/listening for the Summer in order to support their first topic and will also be told what equipment to bring to lessons. They should leave their taster session knowing how they should communicate with staff (GC/emails), key dates and an overview of what will be studied over the two years.

When students are not in their taster sessions the Sixth Form staff and Student Leadership team will be running other activities in the study room and across the school to help our Sixth Formers fully embrace their new role within our school.

Tuesday 27th June - Thorpe Park Trip

On the morning of Tuesday 27th June, students will register with the Sixth Form team in Study for a 09.00 am departure by coach. On return, students will depart from Thorpe Park by coach at 5:00pm and we aim to be back at The Brakenhale School around 5:30pm. Students will be allowed to leave from school to go home as soon as we arrive back.

Students should wear comfortable clothes and shoes/trainers. Some of the rides are wet ones, so they may wish to bring a waterproof jacket or a change of clothes. These should be sensible clothing, that they can walk around all day in. No revealing clothing or shoes that will fall off on a ride. Students can either bring a packed lunch or buy food and drinks at the park. 

A reminder that the cost of this trip is £20 and is payable via ParentPay, please give consent and add a deposit payment of £10.00 via ParentPay by Wednesday 14th June to ensure your child’s place on the trip. If your child has a Merlin pass and wishes to use it then you will only need to pay the £10 deposit to cover the cost of the coach.  If your child will be using a Merlin pass then please email to advise. The balance is due by Wednesday 21st June.

We have seen how hard this cohort of students have worked and how positively they have approached their GCSEs; we are incredibly excited to be working with them as they continue on to the next phase of their academic journeys.

If you have any questions then please email the team on:

Miss G Lawry, Head of Year 12

16th June: For Information Only The Forest School Consultation 

Good morning

The Forest School Admissions Consultation 2024/25

Please see the admissions consultation information for The Forest School 2024/2025 sent home.  This consultation is running alongside the recently published co-educational consultation.

The consultation document includes information on how to respond should you wish to do so.

Kind regards

School Office

15th June: Year 11 Leavers 

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 11 Leavers

Year 11 are fast approaching the end of their time at Brakenhale.  If you have any unwanted uniform/text books you would like to donate to the school, please could they be dropped into main reception. 

If students have lost any items, could they please check with Mrs McCrorie in the LRC as she has a number of jewellery items.

In addition, if students have a locker could they please ensure they are emptied before Thursday 22nd June and keys handed into main reception.

Kind regards

School Office

9th June: A 'Thank You' to your School Staff

Dear Students

A 'Thank You' to your School Staff

Wednesday 21st June is national “Thank a Teacher Day”. All of our staff in our school do an incredible job every day. Whether they are your Tutor, Head of Year Team, a subject teacher, another teacher that does not actually teach you but you interact with, any other adult who works in an office etc, makes our school what it is. We might not get everything right but we come into school, every day, with the intention of making your day, your learning and your experiences the best that they can be. All of your school staff live by our values: Aim High, Be Kind and Take Responsibility.

With that in mind, please click on the link below to share with us the member of our school staff you would like to thank. It can be anyone - a subject teacher or any other member of staff you see in school every day. We will then be delighted to share your comments with the staff who, I am sure, will appreciate them. The deadline for this is 08.30 on Friday, 16th June.

Thank You

Kind regards

Mr B Tailor, Headteacher

9th June: Year 7 Blazers 

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 7 Blazers

We understand that a number of families have ordered a boy/girl blazer for Years 8-11 from Direct Clothing rather than the unisex blazer for Year 7 2023.  We appreciate that orders for the Year 8-11 blazer may have been placed as the Year 7 2023 blazer is showing as a pre-order. 

  1. If you have ordered the boy/girl Year 8-11 blazer, we are happy for you to keep these.
  2. If you have not already placed a blazer order, please ensure that you order the unisex 2023 blazer even though it currently shows as a “pre-order”.  Blazers will be distributed before your child joins us in September.
  3. It is acceptable for your child to wear a blazer from an older sibling.

We hope this clarifies the situation and apologise for any confusion.

Kind regards

School Office

7th June: Year 11 Hoodies 

Dear Parents/Carers

Year 11 Hoodies

We would like to advise that orders close for Leavers Hoodies tonight at 12am Wednesday 7th June for students to receive them on leavers day.  Orders may still be placed after the deadline however, we are unable to guarantee a delivery date.

Leavers’ Hoodies are available for Brakenhale students at a cost of £23.00, please click on the link below to order and pay direct for hoodies.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact

Kind regards

School Office

7th June: Year 12 PPEs 

Dear Parents/Carers/Students,

I hope you are all managing to enjoy some sunshine. Please find some important information below regarding upcoming Year 12 examinations

Year 12 PPEs

Year 12 PPEs will be running for two weeks from Monday 26th June

  • No lessons will be running on Monday 26th June. Students will only need to come in if they have an exam (History/Psychology/Further Maths/Chemistry)
  • For the remainder of the first week of exams (Tuesday 27th June - Friday 30th June) students will not be in lessons if they have exams in that subject - they will be allowed to revise at home but can use the Sixth Form area to study in if they wish
  • Students will be in lessons as normal if they do not have an exam in that subject 
  • No students will be required to attend tutor time/registered study or enrichment
  • For the second week of exams (Monday 3rd July - Friday 7th July) students will attend school and lessons as per their privilege pass. Exams will take precedence and students should only be out of lessons/tutor time and registered study if they have an examination

Students will be receiving revision lists from their teachers and should be working hard to ensure that they are prepared for these exams.

The exams will run following full Exam Board Rules and Regulations. Please find the Rules and Regulations which must be adhered to at all times on our website, failure to follow these can result in disqualification.  The full timetable of exams is also on our website. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

The Sixth Form Team