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Update 10th June

Final Term, Exams, ROAs, Hot Weather

Dear Parents/Carers

We have now completed the first week of this final term of the academic year. Year 11 and Year 13 students have completed week three of their final exams. Well done to all of them for their continued hard work and dedication. Years 7, 8 and 9 have begun their Rank Order Assessments and it has been great to see their focus in lessons whilst completing these. Years 10 and 12 are in preparation mode for their Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) which begin later this month.

As the temperatures are set to be high this coming week, please see below some updates and reminders:

  1. Students will not be required to wear their blazers during the day, in lessons or in line-ups. However, all other uniform must remain as normal: shirts tucked in, a school tie at the appropriate length, unrolled skirts, school shoes (not trainers), plain white or black shocks. 
  2. Students must keep hydrated throughout the day.  Students should bring in a refillable water bottle which can be topped-up during break and lunch at the water fountains, but not during lessons.  Please note, fizzy and energy drinks are not permitted, as has been the case all year. 
  3.  Students are requested to apply sun cream before coming to school. This can also be the case if they have PE. Mr Potter (Head of PE) and PE teachers have a ‘weather contingency plan’ so will adjust lessons/where they take place based on the weather.

We will continue to review this and update all students and families.

Kind regards

Mr B Tailor, Headteacher