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Brakenhale School

Update 27th March

Early Finish, Staff Leavers

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this finds you well.

We are now in the final week of this half term. At the end of the week, the 'Parent News' will be shared. In that, there are many examples of what has been happening in school over the last six weeks. Please look out for it, and do look through it.

On Friday 31st March, students will be in normal lessons periods 1-4. They will have a normal lunch break. Students will then be dismissed at 14.00. 

Please ensure students are in school, every day this week and on time. Attendance matters. Missed days means missed learning. Let's have a real push on attendance as we get to the Easter break! I know that this term has been interrupted with 'strike days' but students in school, in front of quality teaching, makes the biggest difference. 

At the end of this term, we say farewell to a small number of staff which is relayed in the 'Parent News'. I do want to mention that Mr Coley, who has been one of our Deputy Headteachers this year, is leaving us to be the Deputy Headteacher of a school in Newbury. Having been here for almost six years, he has played a big part in the journey of the school and will be hugely missed.

Kind regards

Mr B Tailor, Headteacher