Update 18th April

Take Responsibility, Be Kind, Aim High, Communication
Dear Brakenhale Families and community
What a fantastic first few days back. We wanted to communicate to you our thanks and gratitude to yourselves in the support you give the children at Brakenhale to be the very best they can be. Very much being guided by our values of: aim high, be kind and take responsibility.
As we communicated to all parents and students before the Easter break.
Take responsibility
On this theme we have revisited all existing routines and expected levels of behaviour and spent time to support students to focus on learning in lessons, and to have calm and relaxing break times. The very vast majority of students have been fantastic, and lessons are disruption free allowing for incredible academic progress. Please continue to support your child to arrive at school fully equipped and ready to learn. There is an opportunity to purchase missing equipment prior to the start of the day.
Be Kind
Key areas of focus have been to start each day incredibly positively, with all students who arrive on time and in perfect uniform immediately receiving a positive on their 'Character Card'.
Aim High
We will always expect the very best for every single student in our school and are unapologetically ambitious for all. Simple routines support this journey and are essential in creating a positive culture to make all students feel included.
Finally, you may not always agree with every decision we make. These decisions are made based on our experience of being the second best performing academy trust in the whole of England, from many years of working in education, and from carrying out and using available research. We always welcome polite feedback, and request that you use the official school channels for this. We will never respond directly to social media posts, which are often inaccurate and, for whatever reason, can be unpleasant in nature. We must remember that our behaviour models how we expect our young children to behave. We will shortly be sending out clarification of how we communicate with our community, and also how you can communicate with the school.
Once again, many thanks for your support in making the start of term such a positive experience.
Yours sincerely
Camilla Douglas, Headteacher