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Brakenhale School

Update 15th September

Culture Cards, New Starters, The School Day, Attendance

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this finds you well.

We have been back almost two weeks now and completed the first full week with the whole school back. It’s been a real pleasure to see students in lessons learning, during social times when I can sign some Culture Cards, at the gate at the beginning and end of day amongst much more! Thank you all for supporting us, especially with the refined uniform expectations since we have been back.

As we begin the new academic year, new students (Year 7, in particular) and some new staff have joined us so they are getting to know the format of the school and our routines. As a result, some things take a little longer. As always, we continue to observe and snag. Thank you to parents/carers who have communicated with us in a constructive manner too.

One refinement we are making, from Monday 18th September, will be the length of the lunch. It will increase to 30 minutes. Whilst the feedback from last year was that it was too long, we moved to a shorter lunch. However, based on observations and feedback, we will move to 30 minutes. Lesson times will not be impacted as the time will be taken from Tutor Time.

As I relayed in my initial communication in the beginning of September, attendance matters. Students attending school every day, in front of their teachers learning, makes a big difference. Please continue to support us with this messaging.

Finally, I know there has been quite a few communications to you since the start of the term as we relay updates. Thank you for your understanding and on-going support.

Kind regards

Mr B Tailor, Headteacher