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Brakenhale School

Update 1st September

Results, Inset Days, Back to School

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this finds you well. I hope you’ve managed to have a restful break and enjoyed some time as a family unit, with friends or similar.

Some of you may have seen our website or on the Facebook page which showcased our excellent Post-16 and GCSE results from the last two weeks. Given the disruption to learning that both Year 11 and Year 13 students endured during their time in school, they did exceptionally well. We are proud of their achievements. I wish all Year 13 students the best with their onward journey be at that university, in an apprenticeship or in employment. For Year 11 students, a number will be joining us in our Sixth Form which is great! For those who are going elsewhere, I wish you all the very best.

Whilst some school staff and teachers have been back to school in the last few weeks, we have all returned today for a day of training. We have another one on Monday. As communicated before the holidays, our new Year 7 cohort, Year 11, Year 12 and Year 13 start back on Tuesday 5th September at 08.30. The gates will close at this time so students must arrive before then. On Wednesday 6th September, all year groups will be back in school. The gates will, once again, close at 08.30.

Whilst there has been a number of updates in school over the summer (internal painting, reorganisation of some rooms, lines in corridors to denote everyone walking on the left to name but a few), if you come onto the site, you will notice a change to the carpark. We have improved our signage and re-tarmaced a large area in the rear car park near the Trampoline Centre. Importantly, please note that the car park is one way only. All vehicles should enter via the Rectory Lane main entrance and exit via the Coningsby. The large black exit gates will automatically open as you approach the white line.
Please be mindful that over 1000 students and adults enter and exit the site at key times. Where possible, please drop your child(ren) outside of school so that they can then walk a short distance. This alleviates congestion on our school site and, importantly, helps to maintain the safety of our students.
As a reminder, everything we do in school is underpinned by our vision and our values. Here is a graphic I have shared previously, as a reminder:

Finally, Mr McKane will be communicating with you all a reminder of key information that was shared just before the summer holidays. This is to refresh the messaging before the new term starts.

I really look forward to seeing all of our students next week!

Kind regards

Mr B Tailor, Headteacher