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Brakenhale School

Update 30th June

Industrial Action

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this finds you well.

As you may be aware, there is further national industrial action (strike) taking place in schools, across the country, over two days: Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July.

Wednesday 5th July

From the beginning of this academic year, the incoming Year 7 (presently Year 6) students’ Transition Days were calendared for the 5th and 6th of July. With the announcement of industrial action, all Bracknell Forest secondary Headteachers have liaised and have agreed to prioritise the Transition Days. It is important that these students get the opportunity to visit their new secondary schools. Therefore, on Wednesday 5th July the incoming Year 7 (presently Year 6) students will be in for the first of their Transition Days. Furthermore, we will also continue with our Year 10 PPE’s with Physics during period 1 and period 2 and Geography period 3 and period 4. After the Year 10 students have finished their PPE, they can leave the school site.

For Year 7, 8, 9 and 12 students won't be in school but there will be online learning from home.

Friday 7th July

The school will be open to Year 10 and 12 only. All other year groups will be provided with online learning from home.

Please note, our Sports Day was initially calendared for this day. However, we have now moved to Thursday 13th July which was our ‘reserve’ day. There is a Year 7 trip on this day which will go ahead as planned due to time constraints as we approach the end of the term.

As before, thank you for your understanding and for making alternative arrangements for your child(ren). This is not an ideal situation. I have to make a decision to ensure the health and safety of the school, with limited resources, on both days.

Kind regards
Mr B Tailor, Headteacher