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Brakenhale School

Update 26th June

Exams, Jamie's Farm, Y11 Leavers, Sky News, Sixth Form Induction, Behaviour Code, Communication

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope this finds you well. We are almost half way through this half term which only means the summer holidays are on the horizon! That said, there is still much to do before we break up. There has been much happening over the last few weeks. In our final Parent News of this academic year, due at the end of term, we will showcase all of this. Below is a snippet of the last few weeks.

This last few weeks:

Last Friday marked the end of the summer external exam season. Year 11 and Year 13 students have done incredibly well. Our team of invigilators have been complimentary about how they have conducted themselves in each of the exams - they have not only been a credit to our school but to themselves. The value of Take Responsibility has been epitomised throughout this time. Year 13 students had a Leavers’ Breakfast a few Fridays ago; Year 11 had their Leavers’ Assembly, followed by shirt-signing, an ice-cream van apt for this weather and the collection of their hoodies, last Wednesday. Both have been bittersweet occasions but wonderful nevertheless. This week, we have the Proms for each year groups which, I know, they will be looking forward to.

Last week, a group of Year 7 students spent the week at Jamie’s Farm in Lewes. Having spoken to their teachers who joined them, they did exceptionally well and thoroughly enjoyed their stay. On Tuesday, the whole school took part in the ‘Big Great Live Assembly’. This involved all classes watching a live assembly focussed on refugees. Many schools from around the country joined too. Following this, a small team from Sky News were in school and interviewed a group of students. This was shown on Sky News on Saturday. Once we have a clip of it, we will share it with you all. Well done to the students who were both reflective and articulate. We have also had athletic events last week and six-a-side cricket which included teams from across the borough partaking. Well done to everyone taking part and excelling in each of the sports and disciplines. 

There has been much more, as will be the case over the past few weeks!

This week

This week is the start of the Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) for Year 10 and 11.  This is the first time for Year 10 students and they had a run-through of the exam protocol and expectations on Friday. Having witnessed this, students conducted themselves well with focus and purpose in readiness for this week. Importantly, their attendance to every exam is paramount. PPEs are an opportunity to practise for the real exams; students must take them seriously. 

Today is the Sixth Form Induction day. It has been great seeing many of our Year 11 students returning for a day of lessons and activities. Some of these students will be going to Thorpe Park tomorrow! I hope they enjoy the experience and are eager to enrol on results day (Thursday 24th August) so they embark on the courses come September.

As mentioned above, we have two Proms too - one on Wednesday and another on Friday. We’ve a busy week ahead!

Brakenhale Behaviour Code

Before half term, Mr McKane has communicated to all families about refinements to our Reflection Room system. All students were informed of this in an assembly in week one. We have seen real success so far. Students who work hard and attain 12 points are released back into their lesson (as opposed to spending a whole day in the Reflection Room). The onus is on them. With the right attitude and commitment to doing well, most students are spending no more than two periods there. Thank you for all your support in enabling this. We know that the support we have from parents / carers / families makes a big difference. When we are on the same page, so to speak, students will understand better and continue to do well.

Communication - reminder

As a reminder, please continue to use the email address for any questions or queries. Your email will be directed to the relevant member of staff or team who will get back to you.  If you would like to come into school and have a tour so that you can see us at work, please email and this can be arranged.

Kind regards

Mr B Tailor, Headteacher