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Brakenhale School

Update 12th September

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, New Academic Year, Vision and Values, Routines, Open Evening

Dear Parents/Carers
I hope this finds you well.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Firstly, following the sad news on Thursday, I am sure you will join us as a school as we share our thoughts, prayers and condolences to the Royal Family. The passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has not only touched us as a nation but the wider world. This has been evident from the news coverage in the media since her passing. The Queen had an impact on so many lives and the legacy she leaves is monumental.
Following the announcement from Buckingham Palace of the death of our Queen, a period of National Mourning has started and will continue until the end of the State Funeral. This will be on Monday 19th September 2022. As announced at the weekend, this will be a bank holiday. As a result, school will not be open as a mark of respect.
Last Friday morning at 08.35, just after the line-up, the whole school stood in silence as we witnessed the lowering of the flag to half mast and Victoria Thompson, in Year 12, played the national anthem on the trumpet. In the subsequent Tutor Time, all students were shown a slide to share the news of the passing and watched a news bulletin clip from the day before. This week, Mr Smith (Deputy Headteacher) is leading assemblies on the late Queen Elizabeth II’s legacy. Furthermore, there is a Tutor Time resource this week for all students which will goes through the life of the late Queen Elizabeth II which is informative and will enable students to learn more about Her. Teachers will also cover elements in their lessons where they deem fit and it is relevant. As a school, it’s important that we do this and continue to remember Her life and great work.
New Academic Year
All students have now been back after a summer break and we have now completed one week as a school. I have been immensely impressed with how students have returned. Having led each year group’s assembly last week, being around the school including break and lunchtimes, at the gate before the morning bell and at the end of the day, it has been a pleasure to speak to students who are ready for the year ahead. All teachers were in school on the 1st and 2nd of September as we discussed and planned for the year ahead.
Vision and Values
This year, we have revised and relaunched our values. Furthermore, we now have a vision statement in place for our school; this outlines the ‘why’ of coming to school. The three values underpin the vision and permeate everything that we do. This applies to everyone: students, teachers and our families. We should be all driven by the same ‘why’ as this galvanises our school community, it gives us a clear direction and it provides a common language. Below is our vision statement and the three values.
This has been a piece of work which started last academic year. All students heard me relay this in the assemblies last week. Students will hear this everyday; we will talk about and expect everyone to ‘aim high’, be kind’ and ‘take responsibility’. Please discuss these with your child(ren) and what the values mean to them in their pursuit to fulfil the vision.
Start of the day: routines
As a reminder to all, students are expected to be in school for 08.35. They line-up, await the whistle and after a moment of reflection, Head of Year notices will be relayed before students go into the Tutor rooms. Year 11 begin their day by 08.30 and are expected in Turbo Tutor classes ready to start at that time; they do not line-up. Sixth Form students go straight to Tutor rooms by 08.35; they do not line-up.
Uniform is important to us. Students dressed correctly are more likely to be in the mindset for learning. We narrate the importance of immaculate uniform on a daily basis. Please ensure your child(ren) is correctly dressed everyday. To highlight some areas of the uniform policy: the blazer is compulsory (the school jumper is optional); ties must be to waist length; skirts must not be rolled and must show the logo; trainers are not permitted. If there are any concerns, please contact your child(ren)’s Form Tutor in the first instance.
Lateness to school (or to a lesson) and incorrect uniform (after a student has been given the opportunity to correct it in the morning line-up) will result in a detention. This is on the same day and for 30 minutes. Parents/carers are notified of this via ClassCharts. If there are multiple infringements and detentions set on the same day, this will lead to a day in the Reflection Room.
Open Evening
As previously relayed, Opening Evening for 2023’s Year 7 is this Thursday (15th). Students will leave at 13.10 so that teachers can get the school ready for this evening. Food will be available during the break (10.50) so no student will go without that day, should they wish to purchase some. Any issues, please contact your child(ren)’s Form Tutor.
I look forward to working with you all, and in particular our children, as we begin this new academic year and continue to elevate our school to excellence with the aim that we instil the values of aspiration, kindness and responsibility to prepare our students for their individual successes and future careers.
Kind regards
Mr B Tailor, Headteacher