Update 28th February 2025
Friends of Brakenhale committee appointed, Great Attendance, Year 7 Team Building Trips
We are celebrating
- Appointing our ‘Friends of Brakenhale’ committee, congratulations to Emily Bidwell on being appointed as chair and Karen Woolls on being appointed secretary.
- Year 7 and 8 attendance being 99% last week and Year 11 98%
- A fantastic start to Year 11 and 13 exams
- Wonderful Year 7 team building trips
- Nearly 50 Year 11 students a day attending working lunch (remember this means a free
- lunch)
- REMINDER- we are a nut free school, please ensure your child/children do not bring nuts/ items containing nuts to school
- Upcoming events:
- Year 9 Progress Evening - Thursday 13th March
- Year 9 Choices Evening - Wednesday 26th March
- ‘Friends of Brakenhale’ next meeting Monday 17th March @6pm
‘You said. We did.’
- You said: More gluten free options for Champions hour and free student breakfasts
- We did: Introduced a variety of gluten free breakfasts and snacks