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Brakenhale School

Highway Works

We have received notification that there will be highway works starting the week commencing Monday 16th October to install a new zebra crossing on Rectory Lane near Friars Keep. 

The works will take about 4 weeks and will be undertaken during off peak times from 9:30am to 3:30pm.  During these times there will be temporary 2-way traffic lights to allow space for the workforce to work safely. A footway will always remain open on one side of the road for pedestrians to use.

Towards the end of the works they will need to close the road during the day for approximately 3 days so that a new road surface can be laid on the approaches to the crossing. Road signs will be put up advising of the dates and times 2 weeks in advance of the start of the closures.

The crossing is being installed to provide a safer crossing point for students travelling to and from Brakenhale School following concerns from the community about the safety of children crossing Rectory Lane.  A plan of the scheme is attached for your reference.