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Brakenhale School

2023 Ski Trip

The 2023 Brakenhale Ski Trip: A week of learning new skills, pushing through fears, taking in amazing views, and making memories.

Skiing Day One was about learning the basics and building up confidence on the slopes. Students made good progress and ended the day with smiles on their faces. We were so proud of their positive outlook and the resilience.

Later in the week everyone had the opportunity to take the chairlift up the mountain and ski down a blue slope. The views were picturesque and students made memories that will last a lifetime. Another team building activity in the evening - ice skating!

Towards the end of the week students were pushed to the next level and many were able to ski down the red slopes! It was amazing to see how much everyone had progressed over the week, which flew by.

Thank you to all the staff members who gave up their time to make this trip possible: Mr. Boucher, Miss Loj, Ms Silvey, Mr Mavromichalis, and Miss Hateley.