Getting Help
Your tutor will support you in all aspects of school life; with your work, your relationships with others and with any personal matters. If you have any problems talk to them first and they will be able to either help you themselves, or advise you where else to go to seek help.
Illness and Accidents
If you feel unwell or have an accident you must tell a teacher straight away. Normally you will be sent to the First Aider who will take care of you. If you are too ill to remain at school or if hospital treatment is necessary then your parents/carers will be contacted to make suitable arrangements. Under no circumstance should you leave the school premises without permission.
Cycling to School
We welcome students riding a bike or scooter to school but please note that electric scooters are not permitted.
Students must wear a helmet, the bike must be roadworthy and safe with working brakes and must be ridden in a safe manner.
Please see the Parent Information page for more information.