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Brakenhale has a duty of care to students and employees and promotes high standards of behaviour and attainment. We want students to feel valued as individuals, and to develop self-confidence, pride in their own achievements and a rich variety of interests. School staff and students have a mutual responsibility to ensure that the school environment is one in which students and all members of the school community feel safe, valued and are able to achieve academically and otherwise. School leaders support all staff in managing the behaviour of students.

The School makes regular use of rewards and praise to promote and reinforce good behaviour and marginalise poor behaviour.

The school will endeavour to share positive news as much as possible between staff, students and parents.  Every lesson, of every day, students are awarded a Golden Ticket for excelling in class; they are worth five house points. The reasons for a Golden Ticket being issued range from ‘excellent effort’, ‘outstanding contributions’ and ‘brilliant answers’ to many more.

A range of sanctions will be used to demonstrate that misbehaviour is not acceptable and that it results in serious consequences for the individual. Sanctions are also used with the intention of deterring other students from similar behaviour. Sanctions used against students should be communicated to parents, where appropriate, although the school does not need their consent for detentions or exclusions.


For your health and safety you must not bring any valuables to school.  This includes music players such as iPods, MP3 or MP4 players, computer gaming devices etc.  Money should be kept on you at all times and not left in coat pockets or bags.  Do not bring large amounts of money in to school.  The school cannot accept any responsibility for items of value that are brought into school, including mobile phones.


Students may wear one watch and one small stud in each ear but no other jewellery is permitted due to health and safety issues.  If you have any other piercing it must not be visible in school.

No Smoking Policy

Brakenhale School and site is designated as a No Smoking Site in accordance with current legislation and on the grounds of health and safety and promoting positive attitudes with young people.  This policy applies equally to all employees, students, parents, visitors and users of the school building and site.  Students will be admonished using the agreed procedures if they are found to be smoking on the school premises or in school uniform offsite.  Where members of staff accompany students on activities off the school premises, a no-smoking policy will operate at all times whilst staff are in contact with students.

Lost Property

Lost property should be handed in to your tutor, Head of Year or Main Reception.  If you lose something please enquire at Main Reception. If the item has not been handed in you should tell your tutor.  Remember to name your property.  All lost property that is named will be returned to the student.  All unnamed items will be kept until the end of the half-term then disposed of.

Mobile Phones

Students are allowed to have a mobile phone on site but this should be turned off and placed in their bag during the school day. Students will not be permitted to use their phone during the school day at any time. The only exception to this would be as a planned learning tool by the teacher.

If parents have an emergency and need to contact their child, they should phone the school reception (Main or Student) and the school will give the message to the student.  Similarly, if a student needs to contact home, they can do so by going to the Head of Year Office to use the telephone.

Music Players

Music Players such as MP3, MP4 players, iPods, game machines or any music device with attached earphones are not allowed to be played within the school building. Students must not walk down corridors or be in class with earphones attached and ‘wired for sound’. These must be removed before entering the school site.

Items Not Allowed

For your health, safety and security in school you are forbidden to bring in the items below. They should never be in your possession at school, when travelling to and from school, or on school organised visits.

  • Cigarettes, matches or lighters.
  • Alcohol.
  • Illegal drugs.
  • Dangerous substances e.g. chemicals.
  • Fireworks.
  • Offensive weapons e.g. knives, catapults, air pistols or any other potentially dangerous articles.
  • Aerosol deodorants (due to the health and safety implication, particularly for students with asthma).
  • Mobile phones are not permitted to be seen or used in school site unless as an agreed part of the curriculum.

Physical Restraint

Any physical contact between students will be dealt with by following the agreed Bracknell Forest Policy.